theharv58: mallard duck
theharv58: mallard spinning
theharv58: grackle on nest
theharv58: grackle hunting
theharv58: night heron in a tree
theharv58: mallard seeking mate
theharv58: grackle on a tree
theharv58: goose conducting music
theharv58: redwing singing
theharv58: the far side of the pond
theharv58: pine tree
theharv58: blooming leaves
theharv58: more blooming
theharv58: a different bloom
theharv58: yet more planes
theharv58: robin
theharv58: to the airport
theharv58: fed ex plane
theharv58: another plane
theharv58: heading to the airport
theharv58: fast little plane
theharv58: sunset and clouds
theharv58: flying to the clouds