theharv58: painter at work 1
theharv58: faces of graffiti 1
theharv58: faces of graffiti 2
theharv58: faces of graffiti 3
theharv58: faces of graffiti 4
theharv58: faces of graffiti 5
theharv58: reflections in a mirror
theharv58: sneak a peek
theharv58: meet up for coffee
theharv58: chat it up
theharv58: off we go on the walk
theharv58: open or closed?
theharv58: shadows of photographers
theharv58: ms vicki
theharv58: hand in hand
theharv58: fire plug
theharv58: buds 1
theharv58: faces
theharv58: shadows of trees
theharv58: LSD?
theharv58: wheels don't go round
theharv58: cat walk
theharv58: lovely door
theharv58: fence me in
theharv58: reach for the sky
theharv58: good to go
theharv58: resting
theharv58: bonsai master
theharv58: planing the work
theharv58: hours of painstaking work