theharv58: awaiting Rob Ford
theharv58: band in rehearsal
theharv58: going over plans
theharv58: working things out
theharv58: final practice
theharv58: beautiful day in Toronto
theharv58: final rehearsals
theharv58: Toronto media
theharv58: getting ready
theharv58: the Ford family arrives
theharv58: the limos arrive to City Hall
theharv58: the family steps out
theharv58: walking towards Rob Ford
theharv58: walking into City hall
theharv58: members of the Ford Family
theharv58: more Ford family arrives
theharv58: more Ford family comes
theharv58: Doug Ford thanking people for their condolences
theharv58: Doug Ford greeting the public
theharv58: thanking the people
theharv58: everyone is a well wisher
theharv58: Doug thanks everyone
theharv58: going into City Hall
theharv58: the honour guard
theharv58: Police honour guard
theharv58: Ford nation in mourning
theharv58: CP24 media
theharv58: the limo turn around
theharv58: awaiting the go ahead
theharv58: crowds grow into the thoursands