theharv58: art being created
theharv58: art from a spray can
theharv58: magical work being created
theharv58: fine work
theharv58: dressing it up
theharv58: working on fine details
theharv58: symbols with portraits
theharv58: birds in the backgrounds
theharv58: huge panels created
theharv58: fine lines added
theharv58: attention to detail
theharv58: Les Chiclettes setting up
theharv58: vocal magic of Les Chiclettes
theharv58: songs of the Anderson sister era
theharv58: bring back old music with todays vigour
theharv58: Les Chiclettes wow the crowds
theharv58: outstanding harmonies
theharv58: Les Chiclettes magical
theharv58: dancing with umbrellas
theharv58: dual harmonies
theharv58: Les Chiclettes dancing
theharv58: very entertaining Les Chiclettes
theharv58: singing the lead
theharv58: Les Chiclettes on the big screen
theharv58: Curt Harnett and the young Canucks
theharv58: Chef de Mission, Curt Harnett
theharv58: Curt Harnett chef de missions
theharv58: happy to see the crowds
theharv58: some of the Pam-Am games medal hopefuls
theharv58: Curt Harnett has crowd spellbound