theharv58: Celebrating becoming a Canuck
theharv58: guests enjoying the party
theharv58: discussing things
theharv58: the finger foods start
theharv58: more guests arrive
theharv58: sharing stories
theharv58: a quiet cafe
theharv58: more guest arrive
theharv58: welcoming friends
theharv58: looking good
theharv58: more guests arrive
theharv58: foodies enjoy
theharv58: stories told
theharv58: good time for all
theharv58: saying hi to Mel
theharv58: blue jays or leafs
theharv58: drink to that
theharv58: DPP_0159_DxO
theharv58: viewing from the outside in
theharv58: party time
theharv58: welcome to Canada
theharv58: having fun
theharv58: fireworks set off
theharv58: lots of chit chat