the halbergs: Joe and Henry
the halbergs: Joey in the grass
the halbergs: Aunt Lisa and Henry
the halbergs: Aunt Lisa and Henry
the halbergs: Corryn and her daddy
the halbergs: Henry's hands are more intriguing than this parade
the halbergs: Henry and Aunt Vicki
the halbergs: Henry and his dad
the halbergs: Lola and Corryn
the halbergs: "Candy! Over here!"
the halbergs: red train
the halbergs: tall patriotic chic
the halbergs: unicycle
the halbergs: Tall sailor man
the halbergs: trolley
the halbergs: clown in giant wheel
the halbergs: Corryn and her grandpa
the halbergs: parade time!
the halbergs: parade time
the halbergs: little pumpkin