pgrizz: The Old Man
pgrizz: All by myself!
pgrizz: Brodgar Stone Circle
pgrizz: About to launch!
pgrizz: Stones of Stenness
pgrizz: Yesnaby Castle (1)
pgrizz: Yesnaby Castle (2)
pgrizz: The Kitchener Memorial.
pgrizz: Bay of Skaill.
pgrizz: Rackwick
pgrizz: Rackwick Bay
pgrizz: Rora Head.
pgrizz: Old Man first view.
pgrizz: Rora Head: northern cliffs...
pgrizz: The Carl
pgrizz: The Old Man of Hoy
pgrizz: Old Man from the south.
pgrizz: Ruin
pgrizz: Marwick Head and the Kitchener Memorial.
pgrizz: Deck Gun
pgrizz: Meet on the ledge!
pgrizz: Safety in numbers
pgrizz: Filling the ledges
pgrizz: Black rabbit
pgrizz: Choin
pgrizz: Wreckage
pgrizz: Wreckage from a different angle.
pgrizz: More wreckage....
pgrizz: Wreckage and vegetation
pgrizz: Sand Geo