The Green Album:
Casa das Histórias Paula Rego
The Green Album:
The thin slice of the wedge
The Green Album:
Driven to abstraction
The Green Album:
The Green Album:
Blending in
The Green Album:
The Green Album:
The Green Album:
The thin end of the wedge
The Green Album:
The Green Album:
Light up
The Green Album:
Connect 4
The Green Album:
The Green Album:
The Green Album:
The Green Album:
To the left
The Green Album:
Let there be light
The Green Album:
Mondrian Minimalism
The Green Album:
Horizontal Tetris
The Green Album:
Hiding in plain sight
The Green Album:
The Green Album:
Less is more
The Green Album:
Waves of metal
The Green Album:
Jagged Edge
The Green Album:
Chim Chim Cher-ee
The Green Album:
Oblique ajar
The Green Album:
Abstract simplicity
The Green Album:
Feeling kinda blue
The Green Album:
To the right
The Green Album:
Life on the edge
The Green Album:
Cuts like a knife