thegreatgonzo: Sodit
thegreatgonzo: Watching the speech
thegreatgonzo: Andrew Cullen
thegreatgonzo: The adoring crowd
thegreatgonzo: Team Rutland
thegreatgonzo: The awards speech
thegreatgonzo: Team Rutland
thegreatgonzo: beer and cheese
thegreatgonzo: The University Arms
thegreatgonzo: The Bath Hotel
thegreatgonzo: The Red Deer
thegreatgonzo: Awwww
thegreatgonzo: Size isn't everything
thegreatgonzo: at the end of the road.
thegreatgonzo: Ben's Friday.
thegreatgonzo: Martin Smith
thegreatgonzo: My hero Mr The King
thegreatgonzo: SausageFest at the Three Tuns