Cristen and Britta: Building walls
Cristen and Britta: Building walls
Cristen and Britta: PV and Mark
Cristen and Britta: ....and me
Cristen and Britta: keep smilin'
Cristen and Britta: give that girl a "sawz-all"
Cristen and Britta: in Central City
Cristen and Britta: 3 years later
Cristen and Britta: unpacking helmets
Cristen and Britta: New Jersey Bagpiper
Cristen and Britta: Lunchtime!
Cristen and Britta: Food Angels
Cristen and Britta: cool spot in town....under the houses
Cristen and Britta: lunch time
Cristen and Britta: Mark at the note below
Cristen and Britta: Lynn at work
Cristen and Britta: delicious food at camp hope
Cristen and Britta: Evergreen Lutheran Church and HfH