Some Guy (Art): Off to Better Fishing
Some Guy (Art): Cooper Grist Mill Water Wheel and Flume
Some Guy (Art): Less Saturation, More Perspiration
Some Guy (Art): On Track
Some Guy (Art): Hey, I have an Idea
Some Guy (Art): Gear Porn
Some Guy (Art): They Got Married; The End
Some Guy (Art): Persistent Change
Some Guy (Art): Don't Give Me THAT Look!
Some Guy (Art): She's Quite the Ham
Some Guy (Art): American Homestead
Some Guy (Art): Triple Rainbow (I Cheated)
Some Guy (Art): Saxton Falls, 6:30 a.m.
Some Guy (Art): Sun(burst) Worshipper
Some Guy (Art): Teetertown on a Good Day
Some Guy (Art): [Face Melter]
Some Guy (Art): That's the Stuff
Some Guy (Art): IOU (My 500th photo on Flickr)