GeoKs: The DHARMA "Hatch"
GeoKs: Official Group Photo
GeoKs: Log Sheets (will become log book)
GeoKs: wildwoodke & son
GeoKs: Event hand-outs included fridge magnet, name tag & WWFM III geocoin promo
GeoKs: Volunteer shearzone
GeoKs: Time for the event meal
GeoKs: One of our youngest attendees
GeoKs: littlecutecamper + one
GeoKs: Time for visiting
GeoKs: Finishing up log sheets
GeoKs: Let me see those travel bugs
GeoKs: Visiting with fellow geocachers
GeoKs: Checking TBs and geocoins
GeoKs: Event is underway
GeoKs: Still underway
GeoKs: More geocachers arriving
GeoKs: Geocachers converging on ground zero
GeoKs: Event just started
GeoKs: All's quiet in the park before WWFM III