theGentleman™: sleepyGentleman™ Waiting for the Shower.
theGentleman™: Patience
theGentleman™: Waiting for Jnr™: 4 days
theGentleman™: theGentleman™ Plummets II
theGentleman™: Waiting for Jnr™: 3 days late
theGentleman™: Mirror Mirror
theGentleman™: Lock Up Your Wine
theGentleman™: I ♥ Jacob's Ladder
theGentleman™: Hat #5: theGentleman™s Tricorne
theGentleman™: Waiting for Jnr™: 1 day late
theGentleman™: We Are Family
theGentleman™: Jnr™ Snr™
theGentleman™: Family Portrait
theGentleman™: theGentleman™ Plummets
theGentleman™: Waiting for Jnr™: 5 days late
theGentleman™: Waiting for Jnr™: 1 day (wrong)
theGentleman™: My one chance to get hammered this year.
theGentleman™: And the winnner is.....
theGentleman™: LaundroMat Boredom pt.1
theGentleman™: gentleToro™
theGentleman™: Micah is 1 month old
theGentleman™: Hair Reduction Operation
theGentleman™: Waiting for Jnr™: 10 days
theGentleman™: I am a Human Bounce
theGentleman™: Some things that have happened recently
theGentleman™: tG™ as seen by tD
theGentleman™: jump leads