thefuturistics: the cute bar at the Clemente Soto Velez Center
thefuturistics: Is that a piñata on your head
thefuturistics: Jenny thought that toy soldier was made out of cheese
thefuturistics: piñata grab bag galore
thefuturistics: Sergei is turning another leaf
thefuturistics: Taking down the pyramid
thefuturistics: aftermath
thefuturistics: keep on drumming
thefuturistics: kill the piñata
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thefuturistics: L1080861
thefuturistics: L1080859
thefuturistics: L1080850
thefuturistics: L1080849
thefuturistics: L1080847
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thefuturistics: L1080824
thefuturistics: L1080823