thefuturistics: Tiling things out
thefuturistics: the tiles were not fixed
thefuturistics: kitchen scene
thefuturistics: solving the puzzle
thefuturistics: tile by tile
thefuturistics: and this was bogdan's?
thefuturistics: heading west tomorrow
thefuturistics: the amazing humanatee
thefuturistics: who cut the cheese?
thefuturistics: embarresed cheeser
thefuturistics: getting to know the humanatee
thefuturistics: perfect!
thefuturistics: the contours are there
thefuturistics: or this masterpiece
thefuturistics: it takes two to tango
thefuturistics: no, not really
thefuturistics: focus!
thefuturistics: hmmm......
thefuturistics: the idea is to match them up
thefuturistics: a glass of wine helps
thefuturistics: use that mother hand
thefuturistics: sit back and take it in
thefuturistics: what are you saying?
thefuturistics: and we're off!