micah_J: Surrealist
micah_J: Just Beyond the Window...
micah_J: It Lies Below...
micah_J: Ecstacy
micah_J: Digital Copy
micah_J: This place, these walls, mean everything to me
micah_J: Prints in the Sands of Time
micah_J: Papyrus
micah_J: If love were an ocean
micah_J: Along the wheel of time
micah_J: Drain
micah_J: Rot
micah_J: Spring peaches
micah_J: Redwood
micah_J: Bells
micah_J: Fire from below
micah_J: Corner Street
micah_J: Jutting Out
micah_J: Everflow
micah_J: Life, and Life More Abundandtly
micah_J: The Adventure
micah_J: theAdventure
micah_J: Glisten