jay_fleck: Waiting for the Jungle ride
jay_fleck: Entering "Small World"
jay_fleck: Meeting the futuristic Chip and Dale
jay_fleck: In line for Peter Pan
jay_fleck: Owen
jay_fleck: Enjoying the People Mover
jay_fleck: Little girl showing Woody the sites
jay_fleck: People Mover
jay_fleck: Stretching his legs
jay_fleck: Owen
jay_fleck: Leaving the Magic Kingdom
jay_fleck: Castle
jay_fleck: Castle
jay_fleck: Castle
jay_fleck: Audrey and I
jay_fleck: Tired little dude
jay_fleck: Tired little dude
jay_fleck: Owen watchin the kids
jay_fleck: Pretzel with Chocolate
jay_fleck: Germany
jay_fleck: Nice braids
jay_fleck: Lil' pointer
jay_fleck: Waiting for the safari
jay_fleck: Mom and Owen reflected in the rearview