The Flame: Playing with Zach
The Flame: Clash of the titans
The Flame: Baby Zacharie
The Flame: Baby Zacharie
The Flame: Proud papaaaah with daughter Jade
The Flame: Baby Jade
The Flame: American Beauty...Valentine Style?
The Flame: Zacharie Noel - 1 month old
The Flame: Zacharie Noel
The Flame: Baby Jade!
The Flame: Les filles sont si gentilles
The Flame: With baby Jade - 15mai05
The Flame: Me and one-week old baby Jade
The Flame: Amélie - 10 Avril 2005
The Flame: Baby Jade, hockey fan!
The Flame: Baby Jade
The Flame: Baby Zacharie
The Flame: Baby Zacharie with mom Valérie
The Flame: Baby Zacharie with mom Valérie
The Flame: Baby Zachary with mom Valérie
The Flame: Grownups dinners last too long...
The Flame: Alicia and her teddy
The Flame: Annabelle
The Flame: Nouveau Papa Kangourou
The Flame: Nouveau Papa Kangourou
The Flame: Nouveau Papa Kangourou
The Flame: Protecting his son from the mighty skies
The Flame: Figuring out the pouch
The Flame: Nathan's first trip to the yard