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My friend's kids by The Flame
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The Flame
Playing with Zach
The Flame
Clash of the titans
The Flame
Baby Zacharie
The Flame
Baby Zacharie
The Flame
Proud papaaaah with daughter Jade
The Flame
Baby Jade
The Flame
American Beauty...Valentine Style?
The Flame
Zacharie Noel - 1 month old
The Flame
Zacharie Noel
The Flame
Baby Jade!
The Flame
The Flame
Les filles sont si gentilles
The Flame
With baby Jade - 15mai05
The Flame
Me and one-week old baby Jade
The Flame
Amélie - 10 Avril 2005
The Flame
Baby Jade, hockey fan!
The Flame
Baby Jade
The Flame
Baby Zacharie
The Flame
Baby Zacharie with mom Valérie
The Flame
Baby Zacharie with mom Valérie
The Flame
Baby Zachary with mom Valérie
The Flame
Grownups dinners last too long...
The Flame
Alicia and her teddy
The Flame
The Flame
Nouveau Papa Kangourou
The Flame
Nouveau Papa Kangourou
The Flame
Nouveau Papa Kangourou
The Flame
Protecting his son from the mighty skies
The Flame
Figuring out the pouch
The Flame
Nathan's first trip to the yard
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