**Alice**: A drop of tea
**Alice**: One of those great afternoons
**Alice**: Mușcate atârnând în soare
**Alice**: もみじ
**Alice**: 生け花 2
**Alice**: Wishing upon a blue star
**Alice**: Because they "were sweeping"
**Alice**: Because my autumn is golden & they started sweeping at the other end of the park... :D
**Alice**: Because the pigeons got into the shot
**Alice**: The last ray of sun
**Alice**: Blue sky
**Alice**: Merry Christmas!
**Alice**: After the bubbling
**Alice**: Ssssssmokin'!!!!!!!!
**Alice**: Mint
**Alice**: Mint Ice-cream
**Alice**: Feel the sun..
**Alice**: Some more greeeeen :)
**Alice**: Greeeeeeeeeen
**Alice**: Two become one
**Alice**: This year's Christmas tree ~ reloaded :))
**Alice**: First lesson?