licibev: Stopping in at the rock and roll book club for a little bit. "Just Kids" by Patti Smith then back to work.
annrowley: Bag Front
annrowley: Soumak
annrowley: Soumak - starting
Cheryl2383: Daisychain ABC Sampler
mother of 2 miracles: daisychain abc sampler
un arc en ciel dans le lavabo: current favorite color
dottie angel: a thrifty find...
Flannel Flowers: Crochet: Babouska Rose Blanket
LululovesUK: Crochet Pot Holder
AnnieDesign: Crochet Snowflakes
yvestown: In The Sunroom
yvestown: The End Result
sarah london textiles: rosy posy cushion
MiA Inspiration: Apple blossom blanket
guessica: Kindle Case Standing
Mary-Heather: singalong
lindamade: wreath
flint knits: Crush watching TV. And twitching.
jacobophoto: Charlie takes a call
lindamade: earringSM
lindamade: crochet bird ornaments
lindamade: CCE13
lindamade: I Love Yarn Day Badge
helloyarn: Jar Labels
helloyarn: Nikol's Knitting
mmarsupilami: Exposition d'Art contemporain dans le parc de Chaudfontaine (Belgique)
Jessica MF: My first dress
sarah london textiles: Squiggle Crochet Patchwork