theeternalstudent: Coming over the saddle on Big rainbow Lake Trail
theeternalstudent: Little Camas Resevoir
theeternalstudent: Cow Patty Throwing
theeternalstudent: Arlo on Big Trinity Lake
theeternalstudent: Arlo on Big Trinity Lake
theeternalstudent: Isaac, Sophia, and Gideon
theeternalstudent: Gideon Fishing
theeternalstudent: Issac eeyes
theeternalstudent: Sophia and Gideon
theeternalstudent: Itty Bitty Frog
theeternalstudent: saac Fishing
theeternalstudent: saac Fishing
theeternalstudent: saac Fishing
theeternalstudent: Isaac Fishing
theeternalstudent: saac Fishing
theeternalstudent: Night time at Big Trinity Lake
theeternalstudent: Night time at Big Trinity Lake
theeternalstudent: Night time at Big Trinity Lake