theeternalstudent: Isaac in Maine snow
theeternalstudent: Boys in Maine Snow
theeternalstudent: Boys in Maine Snow
theeternalstudent: Gideon in Maine Snow
theeternalstudent: Sledding on Hutchinson st
theeternalstudent: Isaac ready to sled
theeternalstudent: Gideon running in snow
theeternalstudent: Wrestling in Snow
theeternalstudent: Wrestling in Snow
theeternalstudent: Playing in the Snow
theeternalstudent: Gideon Observing
theeternalstudent: Lobsta' boat
theeternalstudent: Lumber jack Isaac
theeternalstudent: Touch Tank
theeternalstudent: Going on a walk with Great Grampy Perkins
theeternalstudent: DSC00402Going on a walk with Great Grampy Perkins
theeternalstudent: Observing the Ice
theeternalstudent: Ice Hockey with Great Grampy
theeternalstudent: Ice Hockey with Great Grampy
theeternalstudent: Ice Hockey with Great Grampy
theeternalstudent: Boys with Great Grampy on Duxbury Beach
theeternalstudent: Boys with Great Grampy on Duxbury Beach
theeternalstudent: Issac not enjoying the cold beach wind
theeternalstudent: Great Grampy Perkins holding Phineas