jan lyall: Pop and Bill
jan lyall: Jean and Shirley
jan lyall: Clare and Jan Jordan
jan lyall: Jeannie and Alan
jan lyall: Family
jan lyall: Gifts
jan lyall: Birthday chocolate cigar!
jan lyall: Jordans having fun
jan lyall: Jeannie, Clare , Corinne and Jan
jan lyall: Cal, Pop and Corinne
jan lyall: Jean and Pop
jan lyall: Nice Socks Cal
jan lyall: Bill, Jan and Pop
jan lyall: Goofy Gradkids
jan lyall: Cal, Corinne, Al and Pop
jan lyall: Pop and Bill
jan lyall: Pops 90th 2 064
jan lyall: Rick and Diane
jan lyall: Pop and Jean cake cutting
jan lyall: Who blew out that last candle
jan lyall: Blow them all out
jan lyall: Time for cake
jan lyall: Ready to celbrate
jan lyall: Rick and Lynn
jan lyall: Jordans
jan lyall: Family in the garden
jan lyall: Family cocktails
jan lyall: Party in the garden
jan lyall: Birthday Boy
jan lyall: The Boys