The Dutchlady: Hydrocotyle
The Dutchlady: Lotje and Paula
The Dutchlady: Portulaca grandiflora
The Dutchlady: Toby and Lotje
The Dutchlady: Conference
The Dutchlady: A visitor
The Dutchlady: Impatiens
The Dutchlady: Nymphoides indica
The Dutchlady: Nymphoides indica
The Dutchlady: Nymphoides indica
The Dutchlady: Nymphoides indica
The Dutchlady: Ruellia
The Dutchlady: Nymphoides indica
The Dutchlady: Colocasia
The Dutchlady: Philodendron
The Dutchlady: Ruellia
The Dutchlady: Ruellia
The Dutchlady: Angelonia (serena?)
The Dutchlady: Birdies
The Dutchlady: Hydrocleys
The Dutchlady: Hydrocleys
The Dutchlady: Hydrocleys
The Dutchlady: Toby and Lotje
The Dutchlady: Hydrocleys
The Dutchlady: Howard Plaza hotel Taipei
The Dutchlady: CIMG0042