geoffhealey56: Herbig-Harow 49-50
Mark Sansom: M 31, The Andromeda galaxy.
Mark Sansom: Horsham Silo Art - Victoria
Mark Sansom: Comet C/2023 H2 Lemmon on 2023 November 18 at 11:00UT.
Mark Sansom: NGC 1499 or the California Nebula is an emission nebula located in the constellation Perseus at a distance of approximately 1,000 light years.
Mark Sansom: “Seeing Red”
Terry Robison: Interacting Galaxy System NGC 7714 - 7715
Terry Robison: NGC 2217 - Lenticular Galaxy in Canis Major
BsamohT: Up the ladder to see the Galactic center
BsamohT: That telescope is quite big (as is the Milky Way)
BsamohT: Enjoying the southern winter sky
BsamohT: Enjoying the southern winter sky
geoffhealey56: NGC253v1c
Mark Sansom: Nice conjunction last night from the backyard between the Moon, Venus and Mars.
BsamohT: Milky Way
whale05: Ijen Volcano, Java, Indonesia
whale05: Ijen Volcano, Java, Indonesia
whale05: Sulfur miner
BsamohT: Carina Nebula
Mark Sansom: M65 & M66 in the constellation Leo.
Mark Sansom: Partial Solar Eclipse from Melbourne 20-4-2023 14:15 EST.
BsamohT: Rosette Nebula
geoffhealey56: IC2177v56
Mark Sansom: Abell 12 Planetary Nebula at 37" of arc.
Mark Sansom: Comet 46P/Wirtanen in 2018 on November 30th @13:35UT The ion tail is just visible at the 2 o'clock position.
Mark Sansom: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
Mark Sansom: NGC1300 with Supernova 2022acko at about 61 million light-years away
geoffhealey56: NGC1532RGB_v2
Mark Sansom: NGC 6744 *Reprocessed* taken in 2019.
geoffhealey56: VDB49_Ver4