thedreehay: 6 a.m., working on exam ... lovin' the grad school life
thedreehay: political economics
thedreehay: back from biking in the rain
thedreehay: political economy
thedreehay: rain drenched biker 2
thedreehay: econ/polisci
thedreehay: economically political
thedreehay: reading polisci
thedreehay: done with essay/exam
thedreehay: last Denmark essay exam ...
thedreehay: DSCF5730
thedreehay: Photo 13
thedreehay: Photo 15
thedreehay: Photo 14
thedreehay: Photo 18
thedreehay: mirrors
thedreehay: mirrors
thedreehay: The done deal
thedreehay: The state trooper
thedreehay: The almost there
thedreehay: the partial
thedreehay: The before
thedreehay: procrastinating 2
thedreehay: procrastinating
thedreehay: mirrrors
thedreehay: This is what thesis stressing looks like