International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Coffey County Library Lebo-Branch Exhibition: March 1 – April 30, 2014
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Manhattan Area Weavers and Spinners Guild in Manhattan, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: By KT Bothwell, Sarah Bugosh Conklin, and Pamela Cowie Patrick from Huntsville, AL
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Harper's Fabric & Quilt Co., Facilitated by Rosemary Cromer, Elaine Johnson, and Harper's Staff
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Harper's Fabric and Quilt Co., facilitated by Rosemary Cromer, Elaine Johnson, and the Harper's Staff, Overland Park, KS
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Harper's Fabric and Quilt Co., facilitated by Rosemary Cromer, Elaine Johnson, and the Harper's Staff, Overland Park, KS
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Harper's Fabric and Quilt Co., facilitated by Rosemary Cromer, Elaine Johnson, and the Harper's Staff, Overland Park, KS
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Kathleen Ronnebaum from Baileyville, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Yvette Morton with MO-KAN HEART QUILTERS GUILD in Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Susie G. Smith from Kansas City, Missouri
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Debbie Rodgers from Suisun City, California
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Meg Wieboldt from Winthrop Harbor, Illinois
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Stanhope Library Quilting Club in Stanhope, Iowa
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Stanhope Library Quilting Club in Stanhope, Iowa
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Doris Carr and the MO-Kan Heart Quilters Guild from Kansas City, MO
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Yvette Morton with Mo-Kan Quilters Guild in Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Sherry Dicus from Overland Park, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Doris Carr from Kansas City, MO
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Doug Waters from Hugoton, KS
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Kai Dicus from Overland Park, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Yvette Morton with Mo-Kan Heart Quilters Guild in Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: FlyingoverFlyovercountry
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Home On The Range, 1870's
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: The Farmer’s Retirement
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Starving to Death on My Government Claim (Lane County Bachelor) 1930’s
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Binding wheat with horse-drawn binder 1912
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Edwin Boyer's plowing outfit near Grainfield, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Albert Martinek hauling wood, Rossville, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Aerial view, wheat field stubble burn, Kansas, by Harald Sund
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Agricultural equipment, Garden City, Finney County, Kansas