International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Girl Scout Troop 1361 from Lynn Camp Elementary School in Corbin, KY
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Created by the Jeparit Primary School senior class (grade 3-6) – environmental education From: Jeparit / Victoria, Australia
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: West Side School in Cold Spring Harbor S.D. in Syosset, NY
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Farley Elementary School in Huntsville, Alabama
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: By the 5th graders of Emerson Gridley, after school, Champs program. Organizer - Deborah Sementelli in Erie, PA
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: By Students at SMK Seksyen 19 Shah Auam S6langor, Malaysia. Teacher - Chanthireka Vasuderan
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Pope John Paul II Catholic High School in Huntsville, Alabama
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Julia, Matthew, Ireland, and Alyssa from St. Mary's and Rossville, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Jamanio, Knowee, Logan, and Thad from Rossville and St. Mary's, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Jamanio, Knowee, Logan, and Thad from Rossville and St. Mary's, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Jamanio, Knowee, Logan, and Thad from Rossville and St. Mary's, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Jamanio, Knowee, Logan, and Thad from Rossville and St. Mary's, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Jamanio, Knowee, Logan, and Thad from Rossville and St. Mary's, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Jamanio, Knowee, Logan, and Thad from Rossville and St. Mary's, Kansas
International Fiber Collaborative, Inc.: Jamanio, Knowee, Logan, and Thad from Rossville and St. Mary's, Kansas