the Dragonweaver: There's a road into camp! Don't worry though, it's still as steep and difficult as anyone could wish for the first-years.
the Dragonweaver: Lodge, new version. The porch on the left is the biggest addition from this view.
the Dragonweaver: Med Lodge! Note the snazzy snow-shedding roof. That was part of the 2009 camp renovation.
the Dragonweaver: New map, via Duff Holt. Old-timers can note which campsites have moved or disappeared (Quaking Aspen just got too small and had too many trees pop up, for example.)
the Dragonweaver: New lodge porch. Everything from the chimney out is new.
the Dragonweaver: Full view of renovated lodge. Porch to the right is new, as is the metal snow-shed roof. Also, the foundations were fixed up and there are no more stumps as foundation elements.
the Dragonweaver: 1997 totem. I painted the background, and the med lodge did look like that for a week before they painted it the Forest-Service mandated brown. Oh, and the roof was all donated shingles of different colors, which looked pretty cool.
the Dragonweaver: Safeties put on the railings and paint added to the Oath elements.
the Dragonweaver: New non-head-bonking stairwell!
the Dragonweaver: New sheds at the kitchen side of the lodge. The upstairs has also grown by eight or ten feet, allowing there to be four bedrooms instead of two—two for the kitchen staff, one for the camp director and a high-ranking staff member, and one for some of the f
the Dragonweaver: Bridge over Commissioner Creek
the Dragonweaver: My old stomping grounds
the Dragonweaver: COPE course and climbing base camp
the Dragonweaver: Back of lodge; added storage space for kitchen and new ramp.
the Dragonweaver: (broken) Flagpole Rock