The Douglas Campbell Show: Caracaras with sheep carcase (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Condors taking flight (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Condors taking flight (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Condors taking flight (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Condor in flight (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Male upland goose, eastern entrance to Paine park (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Lone "ostrich", Torres del Paine (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Lone guanaco, Torres del Paine (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Three guanacos, Torres del Paine (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Neneo bush ("scarlet gorse") in flower, near Salto Grande (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: River Paine, with distant mountains (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Paine Horns, seen from south-east (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Paine massif dominating the view (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Paine Horns and Lake Pehoe (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Paine Horns in snowy splendour (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Paine Horns and Lake Pehoe (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Morning sun on the Paine Horns (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Río Paine, Torres del Paine park (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Río Grey, Torres del Paine National Park (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Grounded ice-floes, Lago Grey (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Main peak, Torres del Paine national park (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Posada Río Serrano (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Posada Serrano, Torres del Paine national park (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Shoreline of Lago Toro, Posada Baqueano Zamora (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Paine Horns from Lago Pehoe (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Paine Horns, South face (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Closeup of Paine Towers (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Guanacos and Paine Towers (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Paine Towers, near Laguna Azul (2002)
The Douglas Campbell Show: Paine Towers, Laguna Azul (2002)