The Doofers: "The Scottish Military Vehicle Group" banner (IMG_0877)
The Doofers: "OFY 75" WWII Jeep (IMG_0879)
The Doofers: "PAS 274" WW II US Army GMC CCKW 353 (IMG_0882)
The Doofers: IMG_0883
The Doofers: "VSV 622" (IMG_0884)
The Doofers: IMG_0885
The Doofers: War time stall (IMG_0886)
The Doofers: IMG_0887
The Doofers: IMG_0888
The Doofers: IMG_0889
The Doofers: IMG_0890
The Doofers: IMG_0891
The Doofers: WWII Ted (IMG_0892)
The Doofers: WWII gas masks (IMG_0894)
The Doofers: WWII gas mask (IMG_0895)
The Doofers: WWII respirator (IMG_0896)
The Doofers: WWII gas mask (IMG_0897)
The Doofers: WWII red gas mask (IMG_0898)
The Doofers: WWII baby respirator (IMG_0899)
The Doofers: WWII tins (IMG_0900)
The Doofers: Puritan Soap / Guaranteed to contain Olive Oil (IMG_0901)
The Doofers: O-Cedar Fly Spray (IMG_0902)
The Doofers: IMG_0903
The Doofers: IMG_0904
The Doofers: IMG_0905
The Doofers: IMG_0907
The Doofers: IMG_0909
The Doofers: "PAS 274" WW II US Army GMC CCKW 353 (IMG_0910)
The Doofers: IMG_0914
The Doofers: IMG_0916