The Doofers: Seagulls (P1040714)
The Doofers: Seagulls (P1040715)
The Doofers: Seagulls (P1040717)
The Doofers: Seagulls (P1040721)
The Doofers: P1040723
The Doofers: P1040725
The Doofers: P1040726
The Doofers: Stump faces (P1040727)
The Doofers: Rusty Estate gate (P1040730)
The Doofers: Fallen tree (P1040732)
The Doofers: The enchanted path... (P1040733)
The Doofers: Light at the end of the woods... (P1040737)
The Doofers: Old Estate Gate (P1040739)
The Doofers: Tarhill Fishery (P1040742)
The Doofers: Tarhill Fishery Sluice (P1040743)
The Doofers: Tree (P1040747)