The Doofers: Edinburgh Corporation ERF recovery vehicle (IMAG3762)
The Doofers: "OFS 777", "ASC 665 B", "CSG 773S", "GSC 667 X", and "LFS 480" (IMAG3764)
The Doofers: 1960 Leyland Tiger Cub (IMAG3770)
The Doofers: Edinburgh Corporation Transport 135 "FSC 182" and Leyland Atlantean "ESF 801C" (IMAG3774)
The Doofers: St. Helen's Corporation "BDJ 67" at the Scottish Vintage Bus Museum, Lathalmond, August 2012. (IMAG3775)
The Doofers: IMAG3776
The Doofers: 1951 Mclennan Spittalfield Leyland Tiger PS1 "DGS 625" (IMAG3777)
The Doofers: MacBraynes Maudsley "GUS 926" at the Scottish Vintage Bus Museum, Lathalmond, August 2012. (IMAG3778)
The Doofers: Macbraynes Bedford "380 FGB" at the Scottish Vintage Bus Museum, Lathalmond, August 2012. (IMAG3780)
The Doofers: Macbraynes Bedford "380 FGB" at the Scottish Vintage Bus Museum, Lathalmond, August 2012. (IMAG3781)
The Doofers: Carfreight AEC Mandator "TYX 833S" (IMAG3783)
The Doofers: 1933 Leyland Beaver recovery / towtruck "WG 5245" (IMAG3784)
The Doofers: "PRA 113R", "CSG 29C", "WG 8107" recovery vehicles (IMAG3792)
The Doofers: "WG 8107" recovery vehicle (IMAG3793)
The Doofers: IMAG3794
The Doofers: IMAG3795
The Doofers: IMAG3796
The Doofers: IMAG3797
The Doofers: IMAG3799
The Doofers: IMAG3804
The Doofers: IMAG3805
The Doofers: IMAG3806
The Doofers: IMAG3809
The Doofers: IMAG3810
The Doofers: IMAG3811
The Doofers: IMAG3812
The Doofers: IMAG3813
The Doofers: IMAG3814
The Doofers: IMAG3815
The Doofers: IMAG3820