thirty2flavors: "Surely the earth can be saved by all the people who insist on love."
thirty2flavors: Splendor
thirty2flavors: Whatever is silenced will clamor to be heard, though silently.
thirty2flavors: "The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." -Marcus Aurelius
thirty2flavors: note to self:
thirty2flavors: ~In Remembrance~
thirty2flavors: Desiderata
thirty2flavors: what lies beneath
thirty2flavors: welcome me
thirty2flavors: code purple
thirty2flavors: ~Garden~
thirty2flavors: heal over
thirty2flavors: charmed, I'm sure
thirty2flavors: Mmmm, OJ!
thirty2flavors: happy heels
thirty2flavors: beauty in the breakdown
thirty2flavors: life is a highway
thirty2flavors: autumnal love
thirty2flavors: Gratitude 2011: Day Twenty-Nine - Daydreams