Champignons: assalt course
Champignons: BBQ temperature probe (or, when physicists cook)
Champignons: boobies
Champignons: dancing ledge
Champignons: gravestone
Champignons: he learnt to swing by himself
Champignons: headcrunch
Champignons: headlick
Champignons: I forget why he was so happy
Champignons: insidy out hat
Champignons: jim swimming at dancing ledge
Champignons: living the dream
Champignons: multiple
Champignons: outisde the mill
Champignons: paddlin
Champignons: piggyback
Champignons: playing nicely
Champignons: really, really flat frog
Champignons: the bear spirit that guards the graveyard
Champignons: tongues
Champignons: tunnel
Champignons: wanker
Champignons: wheeeeeeee
Champignons: woody gets a piggyback