Dawniex: Behind the Peacock!!
Dawniex: Geese on the canel again
Dawniex: Peacock Displaying 2
Dawniex: Displaying Peacock
Dawniex: Swanning along the Valley - April 2007
Dawniex: Toucan close up
Dawniex: A Toucan can!
Dawniex: Duck again!
Dawniex: Duck!
Dawniex: Goose about to nose dive!
Dawniex: Swan
Dawniex: Goosey Goosey Gander!!
Dawniex: Swan cleaning!
Dawniex: Peacock feathers
Dawniex: True love!?!
Dawniex: "What's that white, cold stuff under my feet?!!"
Dawniex: Swan
Dawniex: Pelican on ice!
Dawniex: Pelican
Dawniex: Swan