Dawniex: Old Shed
Dawniex: Entrance to Grantham Manor 2006
Dawniex: Lonely Horse
Dawniex: Lonely Horse 2
Dawniex: Horse
Dawniex: Step into the Sea!
Dawniex: Me and my Camera!!!
Dawniex: River at Cambridge
Dawniex: Building in Cambridge
Dawniex: Arch Way in Cambridge
Dawniex: Day out in Cambridge - "Now where did I put my cycle?"
Dawniex: Frinton Beach 2005
Dawniex: Holy Steps Barcelona Montserrat
Dawniex: Echo of benches!
Dawniex: The Pattern of Frinton Beach 251205
Dawniex: Views from Stirling Castle Scotland
Dawniex: Play with shadows!
Dawniex: Colosseum Rome
Dawniex: Arch of Constantine (Colosseum)
Dawniex: Light up Prague
Dawniex: Compressor House Levant Mine
Dawniex: Compressor House Levant Mine
Dawniex: Mine Shaft Levant
Dawniex: Light House Harwich
Dawniex: Soldiers Quarters Redoubt Harwich
Dawniex: Advanced technology!
Dawniex: A Wireless Radio!!
Dawniex: Old wine box
Dawniex: Redoubt
Dawniex: 10 Glass Bottles ..