theDancingLlama: Coniferous frost
theDancingLlama: Frost covered pathway
theDancingLlama: Frosty creek
theDancingLlama: Hoar frost
theDancingLlama: No outlet from Snowmageddon
theDancingLlama: Plowed-ish
theDancingLlama: Blustery
theDancingLlama: Snow covered
theDancingLlama: Snowed in
theDancingLlama: Snow day
theDancingLlama: Fall confusion
theDancingLlama: Fall confusion
theDancingLlama: Shrub covered in hoar frost
theDancingLlama: Birdy, it's cold outside
theDancingLlama: In honor of the 2010 Winter Olympics
theDancingLlama: Rainy Day