The Daily Joe: Face in the rock
The Daily Joe: Rocks by the beach
The Daily Joe: House on the water
The Daily Joe: early morning moon and sunrise
The Daily Joe: tequila time
The Daily Joe: Our fishing guide
The Daily Joe: Live bait
The Daily Joe: the shoreline
The Daily Joe: Pelican
The Daily Joe: Reflecting pool and Sea of Cortez
The Daily Joe: More Art
The Daily Joe: Art & Beer
The Daily Joe: The man
The Daily Joe: Timothy and Laura
The Daily Joe: Vista from the car
The Daily Joe: Our hotel in La Paz
The Daily Joe: Seagull
The Daily Joe: Timothy after tacos
The Daily Joe: Roadtrip
The Daily Joe: Twisty river road
The Daily Joe: Barbed wire fence
The Daily Joe: Rear view vista
The Daily Joe: Fresh air
The Daily Joe: Timothy and Laura arriving