The Daily Joe: Lorena I
The Daily Joe: Lorena II
The Daily Joe: Lorena III
The Daily Joe: Lorena flying
The Daily Joe: View from the bridge
The Daily Joe: View of Cero de la silla
The Daily Joe: Hub cap heaven
The Daily Joe: Mountain top
The Daily Joe: Mountain range
The Daily Joe: mountain range II
The Daily Joe: Taxi ride thru the mountains
The Daily Joe: Flying his kite
The Daily Joe: Narrow mountain top
The Daily Joe: Flowers at the observatory
The Daily Joe: Portrait at the fountain
The Daily Joe: Lorena at the observatory
The Daily Joe: photo in the mirror
The Daily Joe: Walkin' by the fountain
The Daily Joe: Singing a song
The Daily Joe: Lorena on the swing
The Daily Joe: Love on the maguey
The Daily Joe: Mountains and clouds
The Daily Joe: View from the mountain top
The Daily Joe: Cero de la silla
The Daily Joe: Mountain and a lamp post
The Daily Joe: Joe on the grass