Creative_Loafing: June 19, 2008 at 12:15:11 a.m: Nathaniel enters the world (not exactly smiling, but...)
Creative_Loafing: First hours of life...
Creative_Loafing: First hours of life...
Creative_Loafing: First hours of life...
Creative_Loafing: Who's that guy?
Creative_Loafing: Hello world
Creative_Loafing: First hours of life
Creative_Loafing: Love at first hold
Creative_Loafing: Mother and child reunion
Creative_Loafing: First hours of life...
Creative_Loafing: Hands are tasty
Creative_Loafing: Hey Ladies...
Creative_Loafing: A late night chat
Creative_Loafing: Milk = Sleep
Creative_Loafing: How You Doin?
Creative_Loafing: I'm flexible
Creative_Loafing: Really? Wow.
Creative_Loafing: Hey, you kinda look like me, older dude.
Creative_Loafing: First real bath
Creative_Loafing: Hold my calls.
Creative_Loafing: Where does your milk come from dad?
Creative_Loafing: Have you seen mommy?