thecraptacular: Parting shot.
thecraptacular: Kristin Prepping for the show
thecraptacular: Best. Sign. Ever. 14th Floor @ 54 Below.
thecraptacular: Band. Mates.
thecraptacular: Instruments
thecraptacular: Raena White, Jesse Vargas & Nick Blaemire Rehearse
thecraptacular: Set List and Stuff
thecraptacular: Pass that Flask!
thecraptacular: Jesse Addresses the Troops
thecraptacular: Blaemire Addresses the Troops & Lucky Listens
thecraptacular: Blaemire. Vargas. Natty kicks.
thecraptacular: Going through sheet music
thecraptacular: And The Hustle
thecraptacular: Band Shot
thecraptacular: Table Surprises
thecraptacular: Blaemire Croons
thecraptacular: More crooning.
thecraptacular: And some wailing.
thecraptacular: And some more crooning.
thecraptacular: Vargas. Nerd Soul.
thecraptacular: Lexi Lawson, killing it.
thecraptacular: Nick's singing just for Raena.
thecraptacular: Raena White is taking us to church.
thecraptacular: Art Shot. Vargas and the Nerd Soul, through a mirror.
thecraptacular: Blaemire croons from his stool again.
thecraptacular: White, Lawson, Blaemire.
thecraptacular: itsdlevy is stoked for the show, you guys.
thecraptacular: Lucky really loves her slap bracelet