thecrankymonkey: Getting Ready
thecrankymonkey: Getting Ready
thecrankymonkey: Photographers Point
thecrankymonkey: Laura and Nanuuk
thecrankymonkey: Isabelle
thecrankymonkey: P8061476
thecrankymonkey: Ekland lake
thecrankymonkey: P8061478
thecrankymonkey: Taking a break
thecrankymonkey: Seneca Lake
thecrankymonkey: Fremont Peak and Seneca Lake
thecrankymonkey: Athena in camp
thecrankymonkey: P8071486
thecrankymonkey: Island Lake
thecrankymonkey: P8071488
thecrankymonkey: Elephant Head Peak
thecrankymonkey: P8071490
thecrankymonkey: P8071491
thecrankymonkey: Island Lake
thecrankymonkey: P8071493
thecrankymonkey: Island-Wall Pass
thecrankymonkey: Laura on Island-Wall Pass
thecrankymonkey: Small Lake on Island-Wall Pass
thecrankymonkey: Izzy and Nanuuk