The Coldest Journey: Geoff with Go-Pro
The Coldest Journey: Ice shelf panorama - smaller
The Coldest Journey: The Coldest Journey is proudly raising money for Seeing is Believing
The Coldest Journey: Seeing is Believing - Please donate! - The Coldest Journey
The Coldest Journey: The locals come out to say hello
The Coldest Journey: Insert funny caption here
The Coldest Journey: The Mighty Agulhas
The Coldest Journey: Looking on at the ice pack, traverse manager Brian Newham is eager to get started
The Coldest Journey: And some more ice (oh, and a couple of penguins too)
The Coldest Journey: Penguins give perspective
The Coldest Journey: Nearly there now
The Coldest Journey: Ship moored against tabular berg close to Crown Bay
The Coldest Journey: Spencer Smirl LOVES the cold, but gets itchy feet
The Coldest Journey: Dr Rob Lambert ponders...something
The Coldest Journey: Ice pack blocking Crown Bay
The Coldest Journey: Ice pack off helideck
The Coldest Journey: Ice pack spectator sport
The Coldest Journey: Another local
The Coldest Journey: Brian Newham and partner Jo Hardy off Crown Bay
The Coldest Journey: In the thick of it
The Coldest Journey: Ian and friends in Montane jackets
The Coldest Journey: Mary Mouce and the pack ice
The Coldest Journey: Ran, an iceberg and Mary Mouse
The Coldest Journey: White Mars training video
The Coldest Journey: Adrian, Ran and Geoff