thecnote: Thousand-armed Chenrezig
thecnote: Lama Lhundrup
thecnote: Lama Zopa Rinpoche
thecnote: The Dalai Lama
thecnote: Tara Thangka
thecnote: Sand Mandala
thecnote: Nuns outside the gompa
thecnote: Incense drying
thecnote: Making incense
thecnote: Cutting up the incense
thecnote: The little incense 'factory'
thecnote: Stacks of incense
thecnote: Kopan nuns
thecnote: Kopan nuns
thecnote: Khata for His Holiness
thecnote: Khata for Lama Yeshe
thecnote: Inside the gompa
thecnote: Sand mandala at Kopan nunnery