theclyde: Dragonfly
theclyde: Gargoyl
theclyde: Silver Spider
theclyde: Hairy Mask
theclyde: Big Bluestem Stage
theclyde: Drainage Ditch
theclyde: So many people
theclyde: So many people - but walkways are respected
theclyde: Meet you at the Whales Tails
theclyde: Mmm, Fruit Shakes
theclyde: Firefly Palace
theclyde: Guitar Guys
theclyde: Singer and Steel
theclyde: Sunset crowd
theclyde: Singer and Steel - just the steel
theclyde: From the backstage area
theclyde: Free mud spa
theclyde: Sweet bus and a boring van
theclyde: Green Ash stage
theclyde: Festival Folks
theclyde: Through the trees
theclyde: Teepee and the BigTop
theclyde: Another Workshop
theclyde: Reading the Map
theclyde: People walking the Labarynth
theclyde: Dude from audience playing along
theclyde: What row are you parked in
theclyde: So many cars
theclyde: A lot of cool tiedye
theclyde: Crosswalk to Festival Camping