theclyde: Mountains
theclyde: Mountain Top
theclyde: Washington Monument
theclyde: Surfing
theclyde: Smokey Mountains
theclyde: Mountains
theclyde: Looking right up the Washington Monument
theclyde: Between the Rocks
theclyde: Interstate Travel
theclyde: Not safe standing there
theclyde: McPiggies
theclyde: Looking at the Lake
theclyde: More lake
theclyde: Lots of lake
theclyde: Crazy hills
theclyde: Crazy driving streets
theclyde: Very cold taking this one
theclyde: Walkway by the lake
theclyde: Think it is a boatyard
theclyde: House on a Hill
theclyde: Maybe Dept of Agriculture
theclyde: Washington Monument
theclyde: Washington Monument
theclyde: Reflecting Pond
theclyde: Washington Monument Flags
theclyde: Looking right up the Washington Monument
theclyde: US Capital
theclyde: Some building with a keen roof
theclyde: Reflecting Pond
theclyde: Washington Monument