robin.salant: Route 604
robin.salant: Rosemont Cafe
robin.salant: Rosemont Cafe
robin.salant: Perched.
robin.salant: over the bridge
robin.salant: Horses not permitted on bridge.
robin.salant: Center Bridge
robin.salant: Unanticipated deepness
robin.salant: In 1 second, he's going to attack me.
robin.salant: Champion
robin.salant: Forest shed.
robin.salant: Rosemont, NJ
robin.salant: Kingwood, NJ
robin.salant: Bull's Island, Stockton, NJ
robin.salant: coop
robin.salant: corn
robin.salant: silo
robin.salant: Local eggs
robin.salant: Grain Mill, East Amwell