Jimmy Legs: Margo & Nick are just a couple of dust bunnies in search of a home together. Hailing from a Bleecker Street feral colony, these floofs were uncharacteristically friendly and social from day one. When you're this cute I guess there's no reason to act tough
drew*in*chicago: Helmut Jahn. South Chiller Plant.
Jimmy Legs: Our friends finally trapped this older kitten who shares the same mom with our recently-posted kittens. They think it's a boy but we're not so sure. What do you think? #glenorglenda #feralcat #TNR
Jimmy Legs: Veselka is making excellent progress getting tame! When we got her Friday she wouldn't even eat in front of anybody. After a few days of mild effort she's really come around. She needs more work but at this rate she'll be a lap cat by the weekend! #social
Jimmy Legs: Yes kitten-stuck-in-a-gutter-pipe, it's only Tuesday. This was a cute #bedstuy consultation, the kitten slipped out of the pipe and then bit me! She's in good (unbitten) hands now. #kittensofbedstuy #havingabadday #hangintherebaby
westbymidwest: Free Melania
Claire_Sambrook: Faces in Places
AndrewMilford: Northampton MA
AndrewMilford: IMG_6794_tonemapped
Jimmy Legs: El Stymie
AndrewMilford: Thorndike, ME
westbymidwest: Dancing With Snakes
Luna Park: rae bk
Angeliska: Flashback to the bat-friend at HONK!
gabi porter: DSC_5359
Crazy Ivory: 52 Weeks - 6 - Hidden from View
Doll Menagerie: moonglass lace
westbymidwest: Dragon Masters
Danny W. Mansmith: luck angel
JasonLee: Arms Wide Open
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts: The Spring Of Winged Lions
drew*in*chicago: walking the walk
O V E R U N D E R: Coffee + Wine Bar
Luna Park: EKG ♥ NYC