The Cloud Kids: Lola paints with blue and orange
The Cloud Kids: Eliot and her red and green paper weaving
The Cloud Kids: Chance and Lola tickle eachother with a purple feather
The Cloud Kids: purple and yellow collage
The Cloud Kids: purple and yellow collage
The Cloud Kids: Chance's purple and yellow collage
The Cloud Kids: Eliot's purple and yellow collage
The Cloud Kids: Lola's purple and yellow collage
The Cloud Kids: painting with blue and orange
The Cloud Kids: painting with blue and orange
The Cloud Kids: ice cube painting
The Cloud Kids: ice cube painting
The Cloud Kids: ice cube painting
The Cloud Kids: ice cube painting
The Cloud Kids: ice cube painting
The Cloud Kids: Eliot with red paper strips!
The Cloud Kids: Eliot with red paper strips!
The Cloud Kids: Lola cuts for her paper weaving
The Cloud Kids: getting ready to weave red and green
The Cloud Kids: Lola holds up her red strips!
The Cloud Kids: Samara explains complimentary colors to Chance
The Cloud Kids: Chance cuts green
The Cloud Kids: Chance weaves green into red
The Cloud Kids: painting with blue and orange
The Cloud Kids: painting with blue and orange
The Cloud Kids: painting with blue and orange
The Cloud Kids: painting with blue and orange